Role of Parents in a Child’s Education

Child DevelopmentPosted on: 30 Aug 2023 by Carlie
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Parents play a pivotal role in a child’s overall development. Parenting is an ever evolving process that is not just limited to providing the basic, nurturing needs of the child. A good parent also provides a base required for the development of the cognitive and social skills required for success in school and beyond.

The first step is to understand that the responsibility of educating the child doesn’t just lie with their school. A kid’s education starts at home and parents are their first teachers. Parents play a crucial role in shaping a child’s personality, character, habits, emotional development etc. In fact, research has shown that the best predictor of a student’s success is the degree of involvement of parents in a child’s education.

It is necessary for parents to be involved in the right manner in the education process for the proper academic and social development of the child. A parent who is abreast with what their child is studying at school would be more aware of their strengths and weaknesses, their areas of interest and would be able to better connect the child’s learnings to real-world situations.

Three main areas where parents can rather should, contribute are: 

1. Being a role model for children to follow

It is the role of a parent to teach children discipline, responsibility, and accountability by setting limits, establishing consequences and also teaching values. But children are more likely to follow what an adult does than what they preach - they pick up each and every mannerism of their parents and rapidly imbibe it.
How parents interact with them and others form the basis for their social quotient. Similarly, the parents’ active involvement and responsiveness towards them forms their emotional and mental quotient.

Hence, it is key for parents to try embodying the person they want their child to be.

2. Helping the child in schoolwork

Every kid’s level of understanding is different. According to the child’s needs, parents can assist their little ones by revising with them what they’ve learnt at school, guiding them on how to do their home assignments and projects (and not do it for them), helping them maintain a healthy balance of studies and play, and rewarding their progress.

3. Creating a conducive learning environment at home

“Encourage and support your kids because they to live up to what you believe of them”
One of the biggest gifts a parent can give their children is of their support and acceptance. Being positive, emotionally present, and reassuring when they fail can go a long way. An environment of love and openness that allows children to fail and learn can play a massive role in helping them inculcate curiosity and ensure their right development.

How can instrucko help?
The formative years of a student’s life form probably the most decisive period of a child’s life and it is necessary that parents prioritise their learning.

instrucko, with its storytelling approach to teaching English, Maths, French, Spanish, Hindi, Dance, Chess, Music, Handwriting and other subjects, focuses on preparing children for 21st century skills. These real-life topics covered in lesson plans will prepare children for life inside and outside the classroom

The brain's functioning is optimised when children feel emotionally safe and engaged. In a typical classroom setting, where the student-to-teacher ratio is 24:1, it is simply not feasible for a single teacher to implement the “whole child” approach in their lesson. Thus, instrucko’s focus lies on one-to-one lessons to make sure each learner is being attended to in a structured and holistic manner.

Child Development
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