Happy kids = happy employees

There’s no staff benefit more meaningful than education
Looking out for the families of your employees tells them that you care. Find out how we can support your company.
Our solutions
For your employees, one thing is more important than their job: their kids. We’re here to help.
Make instrucko a pillar of your staff benefits scheme, and show that you care.
instrucko is built around independent learning; we enable employees to focus on work.
There’s no better staff perk than providing world class education to your employees' children.
Private language tutoring for children of expat employees and those working abroad.
Join these companies and offer world-class education…

Happier employees make
for better business
Improve staff retention, productivity and focus. Reduce your employees’ stress around family life, and improve work-life balance.

Partnering with instrucko takes us one step further in our commitment for the right to education across the country. We have been tirelessly taking initiatives to ensure that equality in education is achieved and those who don’t have access to quality education, receive it in the best way possible. instrucko strengthens our programmes and we hope that together, we achieve this goal across the length and breadth of the country.
Sohit Yadav
Frequently Asked Questions